NIH Approves 13 Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines

Ƶ MedicalToday

WASHINGTON -- The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has approved 13 new human embryonic stem cell lines -- the first new lines available for government-funded research in more than eight years.

Another 96 lines are under study, including 20 that will be vetted by a review board on Friday, the agency announced.

"I am happy to say that we now have human embryonic stem cell lines eligible for use by our research community under our new stem cell policy," NIH Director Francis Collins, MD, PhD, said in a press release. "In accordance with the guidelines, these stem cell lines were derived from embryos that were donated under ethically sound informed consent processes."

The announcement follows President Obama's decision in March to expand the number of embryonic stem cell lines NIH-funded researchers may use.

In issuing a new policy, Obama overturned an executive order issued by President George W. Bush that prohibited government funding of research involving embryonic cell lines created after Aug. 9, 2001.

Eleven of the lines were developed by Ali H. Brivanlou, MD, of Rockefeller University, according to news reports. The remaining two lines were derived by George Daley, MD, PhD, of Children's Hospital Boston.

Nearly 100 additional lines have been submitted to the NIH for consideration, more than 20 of which will be considered by the NIH's Advisory Committee to the Director on Dec. 4, the NIH release said.

The agency says it has funded more than 30 grants in 2009 for research involving human embryonic stem cells, but they have been on hold until new lines became available. Recipients of those grants can now access the new lines for approved research.

Of the 60 lines allowed under the Bush policy, scientists have said only 21 are viable for research, and even those have limited usefulness.

In July, the NIH issued final ethics guidelines on human embryonic stem cell research.

Among the requirements:

  • There must be a "clear separation" between the decision to create embryos for reproductive purposes and for research purposes.
  • Medical personnel at the in vitro fertilization clinic must explain to the donor all other options pertaining to embryos that are no longer needed.
  • Donors cannot be paid or given other financial inducements to donate embryos.
  • Research cannot provide direct medical benefit to the donor (such as creating stem cells that would then be used to treat the donor's own disease).
  • The clinician creating embryos during in vitro fertilization cannot also perform research on those embryos.