
Laser Surgery

More in Laser Surgery

Make the Diagnosis: Should She Be Worried About This Growth on Her Finger?

A 65-year-old woman visited her doctor about a growth that developed on her finger 2 months prior. Can you diagnose the patient?

May 08, 2024
Image of a woman's fingers with a bump on one of them.
Heart Injuries Suggest Reconsideration of Holding BP Meds for Surgery

Pause on ACE inhibitors, ARBs yields more acute hypertension with no prevention of hypotension

Nov 06, 2023
A photo of a senior woman sitting on an operating table prior to surgery.
Patient Develops Inflamed Rash After Double Mastectomy

Incision sites were itchy, painful, red, and oozing and were not showing signs of healing

Sep 05, 2023
A photo of a woman with skin allergy test patches on her back.
Outpatient Centers Cautiously Open Doors to Surgery for People With Cardiac Devices

Will those with CIEDs become regular patients at ambulatory surgery centers within a decade?

Oct 25, 2022
ASA over a photo of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana
No Clarity for Role of Laser Therapy in Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus

Mixed results from two small randomized clinical trials

May 10, 2021
A close up of a laser skin treatment
How to Do Surgery on Mars

Remote surgery ... in space

Apr 22, 2021
The YouTube thumbnail with Dr. Rohin Francis, MBBS and the words: Wait it’s red because of blood? Always has been.
Op-Ed: Gym for Surgeons?

To perform like athletes, surgeons need to train like athletes

Dec 26, 2020
Surgeons practice on a surgical dummy
Cosmetic, Plastic Surgeons Squabble Over 'Board Certified' Label

California denies privilege to docs not certified by recognized board

Jan 04, 2019
Ideal Timing of Post-Mohs Reconstruction

Waiting 7 days or more associated with reduced complications

Oct 26, 2018
Proteinuria Flags Risk for Post-Op Kidney Injury

Even trace levels of urinary protein tied to elevated rate of acute renal impairment

Jul 05, 2018
Perioperative Beta Blockers Trade Fewer MIs for More Deaths

Issue of safety highlighted again in POISE analysis

Mar 12, 2018
Doc-to-Doc: Bringing 'Medicine The Musical' to the New York Stage

Video conversation with physician who thinks the story of medicine is worth singing about

Jan 24, 2018
Make the Diagnosis: Callus Conundrum

Case Findings: A 52-year-old man presents with possible calluses on either side of his thumb, forefinger, and middle finger. He reports cutting them off with nail clippers, but they return. He also reports using an over-the-counter wart treatment without success. What is your diagnosis?

Feb 06, 2017
Make the Diagnosis: More Than A Rash

Case Findings: A 51-year-old woman visited her primary care doctor complaining of a rash, pruritus, myalgias, and muscle weakness that made normally easy tasks like standing from a seated position difficult. The rash was an erythematous blanching patch, spread across her back and shoulders like a shawl and across her chest in a V shape. She had also noticed that her fingernail folds were red and swollen. What is your diagnosis?

Aug 10, 2016