News, opinions and meeting coverage in obstetrics and gynecology.
Latest in OB/Gyn
Traumatic experiences in pregnancy, delivery can shape reproductive decisions, authors say
Exceptions would broaden doctors' ability to intervene
State's public health commissioner says whoever shared the information violated state law
Australian study explored screening for hundreds of genetic conditions
State's public health commissioner says whoever shared the information violated state law
Australian study explored screening for hundreds of genetic conditions
OB/Gyn Case Studies
Finding poses clinical and ethical dilemma for parents and clinicians
Pregnancy can cause a range of changes in cardiac function and ECG findings
Myomectomy or uterine artery embolization? The debate continues...
More in OB/Gyn
The largest increases were among individuals who identified as Asian and Pacific Islander
Laws impede fundamental right of entire class of people to make healthcare decisions, judge says