Want to Be a Better Psychiatrist? Enter a Beauty Pageant!

— It's true: pageants offer unique opportunities for personal and professional growth

Ƶ MedicalToday
A photo of Patricia Celan, MD

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With the elegant gowns, stylized hair, carefully applied makeup, and moments in the spotlight, beauty pageants have attracted longstanding criticism for being allegedly superficial competitions that foster narcissism. But beneath that stereotypical surface lies a wealth of opportunities for personal growth and skill development.

Most modern pageants have moved away from being modeling competitions that assess superficial beauty. Instead, they have been reframed as personality competitions, evaluating qualities such as communication skills, leadership and social advocacy, and the ability to be a strong role model worthy of the job of representing a pageant company.

For aspiring psychiatrists, participating in a pageant can be a transformative experience that contributes to gaining valuable insights and transferable skills and competencies that are integral to the practice of the specialty.

Building Confidence and Resilience

One of the most notable benefits of competing in beauty pageants is the opportunity to build confidence, resilience, and the ability to step outside of one's comfort zone to achieve goals.

Patients can sometimes challenge a psychiatrist's confidence, some patients may take much longer to treat effectively, and psychiatrists sometimes find they need to abandon preconceived notions and try different approaches to truly heal their patients.

The rigorous long-term preparation and public scrutiny involved in succeeding in pageants demand self-assurance, perseverance, and the ability to constructively integrate feedback -- qualities that are equally essential for success in psychiatry. Aspiring psychiatrists who have experienced the challenges of navigating the competitive landscape of pageants are better equipped to handle the pressures and uncertainties inherent in clinical practice.

Enhancing Professionalism

Representing one's home city, state, province, or country in a pageant essentially elevates the average person into a public figure. While most people would not consider psychiatrists to be public figures, many licensing bodies have strict professionalism expectations that sometimes even require a psychiatrist to behave professionally during personal time when not actively practicing.

Aspiring psychiatrists can prepare for such expectations by stepping into the role of a public figure. Many pageant queens are role models for younger women. Similarly, embracing the goal of being a positive role model can help psychiatrists be professional with both their patients and trainees.

Developing Empathy and Cultural Competence

Pageants also provide a platform for contestants to interact with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, fostering the development of empathy and cultural competence.

Through engaging with fellow contestants, judges, and community members during pageant activities, aspiring psychiatrists gain valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior and the importance of understanding diverse perspectives. This heightened sensitivity to cultural nuances and individual differences enhances the ability to connect with patients from various backgrounds -- a crucial aspect of providing culturally sensitive and effective psychiatric care.

Enhancing Communication and Public Speaking Skills

Effective communication is a cornerstone of psychiatry, and competing in pageants offers many opportunities to hone this skill. Contestants are required to articulate their thoughts and opinions eloquently during private interviews, on-stage presentations, and interpersonal interactions, thereby sharpening the ability to communicate with concise clarity and confidence.

Most contestants seek a pageant coach to help enhance their communication and interviewing skills. The ability to engage with others and convey complex ideas effectively is indispensable for building rapport with patients, facilitating therapeutic alliances, and conveying empathy and understanding in clinical settings.

Improving Collegiality

Gone are the days in pageants of catty contestants undermining each other to win a prize. Pageants have become a source of friendship and sisterhood, giving delegates a sense of community. The ability to be pleasant and friendly with competitors is a transferable skill that enhances the collegiality of psychiatrists working within a team setting, even if there may sometimes be a disagreement. Working professionally with colleagues is important for optimizing patient outcomes.

Fostering Leadership and Advocacy

Pageants often involve engaging in community service initiatives and advocacy efforts, giving contestants a platform to address social issues and promote positive change.

Aspiring psychiatrists who participate in pageants develop leadership skills and a sense of social responsibility as they advocate for causes that align with their values and contribute to the well being of their communities.

This capacity for leadership and advocacy translates seamlessly into the realm of psychiatry, where clinicians play a vital role in advocating for the rights and needs of their patients as well as for social justice within the mental health system.

Cultivating Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

Competing in pageants requires contestants to engage in introspection and self-reflection, cultivating self-awareness and emotional intelligence. By navigating the highs and lows of the pageant experience, contestants gain insights into their personal strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, fostering personal development and resilience.

This heightened self-awareness equips aspiring psychiatrists with the capacity to recognize and manage their own emotions effectively -- a critical skill for navigating the complex dynamics of therapeutic relationships with patients.

The Transformative Power of Pageants

In conclusion, competing in pageants offers aspiring psychiatrists a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth, equipping them with a diverse array of skills and insights that are invaluable in the practice of psychiatry.

From building confidence and resilience to enhancing communication and cultural competence, the benefits of pageants extend far beyond the realm of physical appearance, shaping individuals into empathetic, skilled, and socially conscious practitioners.

By embracing the transformative power of pageants, aspiring psychiatrists can cultivate the qualities and competencies needed to excel in their careers and make meaningful contributions to the field of mental health.

, is a psychiatrist.

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